LSTech is offering a range of innovative products for the IT sector, online advertising, and e-commerce.
CloudNous is LSTech’s response to the need for a new generation public cloud cost analytics and optimization software. CloudNous is the one and only service in its area that can connect detailed infrastructure costs with end-user behavior, from the level of an entire customer with thousands of end users, down to a single visit/click of an individual end user on a web application on a public cloud such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Microsoft Azure. With CloudNous a cloud hosted SaaS service can at last make sense of its cloud bill.
CostNous is an indispensable assistant for operators of complex IT infrastructure and their multi-tenant clients/services. Large virtual or physical infrastructure operators need to know how to optimally price their service offerings in order to stay competitive, profitable, attract new customers, and retain existing ones.
With CostNous an operator can:
understand costs and profit margins of different customers and services in unprecedented detail
use the gained insights to optimise pricing and commercial strategies
forecast, dimension, and optimise infrastructure investment.
Aditaurâ„¢ is a powerful tool that simplifies the process of conducting privacy audits on websites and ad-delivery platforms. Aditaur generates insightful analytics that help address tactical & strategic questions, such as:
Is there significant evidence of ad targeting based on sensitive, personal user attributes protected by GDPR and other data protection regulation?
Which are the companies involved in the delivery of such ads?
How effective is Do-Not-Track, AdChoices, and cookie blockers in stopping undesirable tracking?